Learn to Embrace the Seasons of Your Life

seasons of life

We have reached the midpoint of the best season of the year, Baseball season. It’s no secret how much I love the game.

But, of course, the year breaks down into other seasons too. Softball, football, basketball, hockey and a myriad of other sports have their seasons. Sportsmen can only hunt or fish for particular species during specified season.

The calendar year features four weather seasons: winter, spring, summer, and fall. Well, except here in Georgia, we tend to skip winter. We have winter occasionally, but it usually only lasts a week or less.

Seasons of Life

We experience seasons in our lives as well. In his Holy Spirit inspired journal of wisdom, Solomon reminds us that God ordains the seasons of life (Ecclesiastes 3:1). He also considers these seasons occurring in God’s timing a beautiful thing. (Verse 11)

We struggle to own up to the seasons of our lives because we resist change so tenaciously. But whether we admit it our not, change is inevitable as we move through the seasons of our lives.

Most of us would admit that we are works in progress. However, “in progress” necessitates change. Change is the only way I will become more like Jesus than I am today. God uses the changing circumstances and surroundings of our lives to help learn to trust Him more faithfully.

We would never grow if we never moved through the seasons of life. God may choose to reassign your career to experience Him work through you in new ways. He may relocate you to live somewhere different so you can influence a new set of people. Sometimes we miss the greatest blessings of God because we don’t want something in our life to change.

Such is the nature of the seasons of life. Where you are and what you are doing today may only be for a season. God may have something new on your horizon.

Navigating the Seasons of Life

Let me offer some observations I have gleaned as I have navigate through the season of my life. I hope these help you to relax and enjoy the journey.

1. Know that change is inevitable. If you don’t believe it, look at your wedding pictures or high school yearbook. We all change, and life is full of changes, but God uses those changes for His purposes. They are all part of the plan.

2. God knows every one of your days even before any of them come to pass. (Psalm 139:16)

3. Who you are today is not the finished project and where you are today is not your final destination. God has greater works for you. (Ephesians 2:10)

4. Everything that God does brings Him glory and does you good. (Romans 8:28)

Like you, I am on a journey through the seasons of life. I’ve seen seasons come and go, some I welcomed, others came although I resisted with all my might. I saw some of those seasonal changes coming, and some caught me by surprise.

I don’t know when the next season of my life will be or what it will involve. But, I have learned to look forward to the ride, because God knows where He’s going and what He’s doing.

As John Maxwell so astutely observed, “Change is inevitable, but growth is optional.” So, embrace the season you are in now, and do not fear the changing of the seasons of your life. We grow through those seasonal changes and we move closer to the person God intends us to be.