What Excuses Do You Have for Not Improving?


You can have excuses, or you can have results.  But you can’t have both.”  

I’m not sure where I first heard that quote, but it needs to circulate more widely these days.  We live in the era of excuses.  Most, if not all, of us succumb to its temptation at some time or another.

Teams would be undefeated if not for partial referees, adverse conditions, or cheating opponents.

Pastors would be more successful if their church members would fall in line.

Workers would do a better job of their bosses were nicer and co-workers not so incompetent.

You get the picture.  Our shortcoming are always the result of someone else or something less than perfect.  It’s NEVER us.

The problem with excuses is not whether or not they are legitimate.  The problem is that they prevent us from ever improving.  If the problem is always outside of us, then why would we ever evaluate ourselves.

Encouragement to Avoid Excuses

God encourages self-examination.  Consider the following verses.

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