What It Means to Walk by Faith

walk by faith

I learned a life-lesson in what it means to walk by faith.

A couple of years ago, I had to make a very difficult decision. The decision would not only impact my family and me, but also lots of other people. My initial reaction lead me to believe it would not work, it was not feasible.

I didn’t know how it would work out. The path would lead me down a road obscured by the fog of uncertainty. However, after prayer, I sensed God saying go forward and He would make it work. I am glad I trust Him. My decision blessed my family and me and I hope the other people impacted by it.

What IS Faith?

Before we can walk in faith, we have to understand what faith is.

First, faith must have an object…faith IN someone or something. In fact, your faith is only as good as the object or person in whom you place it. If your anchor point is sketchy, your anchor will not hold. True, Biblical faith is firmly rooted in God who alone is ultimately faithful and capable.

Hebrews 11:1 provides for us a wonderful description of faith anchored securely in God.

Now faith is the reality of what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.

Notice the two key words in the verse above: reality and proof. Faith is living as though what God has said is already a reality even if present circumstances show otherwise. The person walking by faith considers what they believe about God more convincing that what they see with their eyes.

I define faith as “an active trust in God and all He says concerning Himself, His purposes, and His precepts.” Faith is trusting, believing, and ACTING on what we believe about God.

Why Faith Is Important

Verse 2 of Hebrews 11 tells us, “For by it our ancestors won God’s approval.

Also in verse 6 we learn, “Now without faith it is impossible to please God…

We can live life based on our own perception of our circumstances, or we can trust God despite them. If we want God’s approval and if we want to please Him, we will choose to trust Him.

Please note – there is a difference between believing IN God and BELIEVING GOD. I can believe God exists, yet fail to take him at His word. For instance, I believe in the existence of many politicians, but I do not necessarily believe what they say. Faith means I not only believe God exists, but I believe He rewards those who diligently seek to obey Him.

How Do I Walk By Faith

Faith is CHOOSING to believe God instead of what you see or experience. We may look at our circumstances, but with faith we do not decide based only on those circumstances.

I like Tony Evans’ definition of faith. “Faith is acting like it is so, even when it is not so in order that it might be so simply because God said so.”

But how does walking by faith become a reality in our lives?

1. Know what you know about God and who He is. Read God’s Word daily and notice His attributes and faithful interaction with His people. Know who God is, how He acts, and what He promises. Then believe Him. Your faith is only as good as the object or person in whom you place it. So know all you can know about the object of your faith – God.

2. Live by what you know and not what you feel. Feelings are important, however, they are not always the best indicator of what is going on around you. Trust what you know about God.

3. When faced with a choice between your circumstances and God, trust God. Everytime. Actions, not words, indicate our choice of faith. James 2:14-26 reminds us that faith merely professed is a dead faith. Real faith takes action. Real faith requires the courage to go against what your circumstances say and to believe God instead. Act on what you know about God, not what you feel about your circumstances.

Choose ONE area of your life right now where you are struggling to trust God. What does the Bible teach about the character of God that speaks to that struggle?

What changes do you need to make today to stop walking by sight and start walking by faith?

For Further Reading


Faith and Reese’s Cups (a short video)



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  1. Pingback: Real Faith: Do You Have It or Not? - www.jimduggan.org

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